Congratulations hike letchworth winter 50 Finishers!
When you complete your Winter 50 miles, please let us know by filling in the form below. Be sure to include your full name, hometown and state, and the date you completed the mileage.
Ensure you have registered for the Winter 50 Challenge. Each April (beginning in April 2022) we’ll list all finishers from the previous winter season. Your name and hometown will be placed on the finisher’s website. You’ll need to be a registered participant to be listed and obtain a patch.
If you would like the snazzy HIKE LETCHWORTH WINTER 50 patch to acknowledge your awesome accomplishment, please send your name and mailing address below. Ensure you’ve registered and paid the $20 registration fee to obtain your patch.
Non-Profit TRAIL MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS: Please consider a donation to the following organizations who, through volunteer efforts, keep Letchworth trails accessible, blazed, and available for us to enjoy. Without them, there would be no Letchworth Challenges.
Friends of Letchworth State Park (FOLSP) Building playgrounds, clearing trails, installing signage and completing special projects, the FOLSP does it all through donations! Consider becoming a member, make a donation, or shop their store to support their incredible efforts.
Finger Lakes Trail Conference (FLTC) With just over 1000 miles of trail in New York State, there’s a lot to keep open and accessible! The 24 mile Letchworth Branch runs the entire length on the east side of the gorge. Consider a donation or better yet become a member.